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Chapter - 9

Chapter 9:...Wild night.

As me and Kyle got out of the car to enter the pizza palar it was empty exept a group of rowdy guys and when me and Kyle entered the pala all the guys stared at me with smirks on there faces and they had lust filled eyes so Kyle pulled me tyter int his chest as he had his arms around my waist and we went up and Kyle orderd the guys oreders.

"Babe what do you want"

"Pepporoni pizza please baby" Kyle orderd all the orders but he forgot his wallet so he ran out to the car and when he did i spun around and there was one of the boys from the table.

"Hey babe whant to ditch your guy and come with me" I looked at the guy and laughed.

"Haha i would rather not so i suggest you go back to your friends before my boyfriend gets back" I had raised my voice when i said the worf boyfriend and when i had finished my sentence and it was his time to laugh and then i let out a sigh when i heard the voice of Kyle.

"I suggest you stop hassaling my girlfriend when its obiouse she doesnt want you and never will"

"Well i would advise you to ask the fair lady what she wants to do and not speak for her now" I looked at the guy and gave him my best death glare and walked over to Kyle were he put his hands around my waist and i snuggled into him.

"I guess you better wun along now and let me and my girlfriend go home now" Me and Kyle pushed passed the guy and he cursed and went to sit back with his friends and they all kept a close eye on Kyle and gave him death glares but we ignored them and got all of our pizzas and went out of the shop and drove back to the house were there were 3 hungry guys and they all launched themselves at the pizzas when we put our foots threw the door.

"Guys your welcome" The guys just gave a few mumbles so i laughed and handed Kyle his pizza and we went to sit back in the armchair and i snuggled myself into Kyle while eating my food.

"How much alchol does it take werewolf to get drunk" I looked up at Kyle and he laughed and shook his head so i raised my eyebrows.

"Well it takes quite a lot about 2 times more than a human does to get drunk" My eyes went wide and i doubted i had enough alchol.

"Oh ermm ok" I turned back around and got on with eating my food.

Atter we had all eaten and i had got the guys to take out all of the trash i pulled my phone out and it 8:56 so when Kyle and the guys came back in i dragged him back out with a quick bye and ill see you later to the guys and dragged Kyle to my car were he got in the passenger side.

When we had arrived at my house we both got out and Kyle came round to my side and entwined our fingers and i looked up at Kyle and smiled and he bent down and pecked me on the lips.

We walked up my drive way and walked threw my door and my mum and dad were in the kitchen sitting at the dining table so i dragged Kyle to the table and we sat oppisite to my parents and my dad put down his paper and studied Kyle and my mum gave me a wide smile in wich i returned.

"Mum,Dad this is Kyle,Kyle this is my mum Steph and my Dad Andrew" 

"Nice to meet you Kyle i have heard a lot about you and may i say you seem like a quiet interesting boy" I looked at my mum and she just winked at me and i gave an quiet groan and i supposed Kyle heard as he grabbed my hand under the table and gave it a squise.

"Well has she now i didnt know" Kyle said and looked over at me.

"Well Kyle it seems that you make my daughter very happy and i have heard you share your apartment with 3 other boys is that right" I gave my dad a warning glance but he just ignored me and continued to stare at Kyle.

"I do but they are very close friends who i have known since i was a baby and they like Tasha very much but they know not to do anything they already consider her as part of the family and beside they have there own girlfriends who Tasha knows very well" I looked at Kyle quiet suprised and he again was stararing at my dad so i looked at my mum and she was looking at me so i mouthed the words 'stop this now' and my mum looked to my dad and whisperd something in his ear and i looked at Kyle and he looked like he was on the verge of laughing and i had figured he had heard what my mum had said to my dad and i just gave him a confused look then i heard his voice in my head.

Kyle: Your mum just said if your dad contunies with interagating me she wont give him any later and she will get the wips that your dad dont like out so yeah

I looked at Kyle and put my hand over my mouth and he let out a small chuckle and i was half suprised and half disgusted as they were my parents and i really didnt want to hear about there sex life.

Me: Omg Kyle i dont want to know about my parents sex life its grss there so old it should be illegal over the age of 40 to have sex it gives me the shiver.

"Mum ermm dad can me and Kyle go i still have some packing to do" I looked over and my dad had a big grin on his face and i couldnt help but shiver at what he ws thinking about.

"Yeah go ahead sweety" I sent a thankfull glance at my mum and nearly ran out of the room with Kyle hot on my trail.

As i got up to my room i closed the door and went to sit down on the bed and Kyle sat oppisite me and i looked around my room for one last time and got up and got all 3 of my suitcases out and put them near the door and went to sit back on the bed oppiste Kyle.

"Im gonnah miss home"

"Youll be able to come and visit and stay if you want Tasha im not stopping you" I looked at Kyle with tears in my eyes and Kyle pulled me into his chest and i sobbed into his neck while he hugged me and whispered conforting words into my ear and soon i stopped crying and we just sat there.

"You ok now babe" I nodded into Kyles chest.

"Yeah im just gonnah miss home but im looking foward to it to moving in with you" After i said that before Kyle had even started his conversation my mum and dad walked in and we both turned our heads to the door.

"Darling we are going now we just wanted to say bye and we willl see you the next time you come around bye honey we love you" I nodded to my mum and dad and they left and then my phone went of and i looked at the caller id and it said Courtney so i picked up.

Courtney: Hey we are with the guys do you want us to come over

Me: Yeah and tell the guys to bring the booze yeah k love you bye

I put down the phone and went into the bathroom and reapplied my makeup wich i left in here icase this happened and when i went back into my room Kyle was spread out like a starfish on my bed so i walked up and crawled on the bed and lied In bertween Kyles legs and my head resting on his chest.

"Courtney and the guys are on there way now k but i really want to spend time with you"

"I do to but things never go as planned" I chuckled at that beacuse i knew it was right and Kyle even cracked a smile before we heard the door go and i sighed and wiggled my way out of Kyles hold and he pouted and i just smiled at him and ran down stairs and opened the doors and there was all the guys and my girl friends so i ran up and hugged each one of them and nearly getting crushed by Zack as his hold was so tight i fet like my air supply was getting cut off and he just LAUGHED HE JUST LAUGHED NOT EVEN ASK IF I WAS OK SERIOUSLY MAN DUDE WHO DOES THAT!.

"Thanks im ok yeah i just didnt nearly get my air supply trapped off but all in all im fine" Zack laughed and i gave him a death glare and he just laughed harder and then Kyle came down the stairs in all of his glory and when he saw me he looked away and wouldnt meet my confused eyes so i looked at Zack and he had the same face as me on so i shrugged

"Ermm guys put some music on and drink as much as you like and Kyle can you help me a second" After i said that Kyle snapped his head around and gave me a small nod and i could faintly see a small glare in his eyes.

I walked into the Kitchen and shut the door and i could hear that the guys had put music on from my stero and i went around and sat on the kitchen counter and i looked up and Kyle was facing the door so i couldnt see him so i decided that i would be first to break the awkward silence.

"What have i done we were fine 10minutes ago" As i said that Kyle turned around and he had anger in her eyes.

"What have you and Zack been up to then with all your secret texts and meetings" I looked at Kyle in confusion.

"We are friends nothing more why would i be with you if i supposly like Zack in wich i dont so get over your self already and man up and ask me propely not with all your anger problems and crap so please enlighten me what prove do you have" Kyle walked over to me and passed me my phone and he put me in my inboxs nd i looked and it said 1 message from Zack.

Zack: Hey darling what you up to d you want to meet up later today and talk about stuff if you do then text me ok bye darlings .

I looked back at Kyle and laughed and he looked like he wa getting angrier ad i stopped then.

"We do that we are friends so think what you want im not that type of girl so do what you like think what you like but you know this is why we always break up so why would fate put us as mates i dont know but sometimes i hae you but you know that know matter what ill always love you so much so you can think that im cheating on you but im not and now im going to have fun with my friends so are you coming or going but if you are im not going to come running back to you in a haist" I snatched my phone off of him and walked to the kithen door and when i looked back Kyle was just walking ou of the back door so i sighed and went back into the lving room and got the shot glasses and poured 3 and downed them all and did another 3 and did them and then i was a bit tipsy.

1 hour later...

Ok so im totally smashed but i do not what i have been doing ive been dancing and drinking and more drinking so you get it so i looked at the time on the clock and it said 4:30 and i could tell we were running out of beer so i decided to end this party

"Ok guys get a bedroom each just not my parents so please now go weve had enough and im smached but im not that smached so now go" I said and all the guys and gals quickly rushed up the sairs and whe i looked around it was a tip so i walke up the stairs trying to walk straight and not to fall over but i made it to my bed an snuggled up to my pillow wishing Kyle was here.

2 weeks later...

It had been 2 weeks and me Courtney had started back school and sadly Emily moved away and found out that Brady wasnt her mate and it was just that they found eachother attractive and me and Kyle have not spoke but Zack has been saying he has been cooped up in his room and he said he has not been cheeting on me wich i am thankfull for and he has not been eating and has big bags under his eyes and Zack has had to been handaling the pack as Kyle is to weak and dosent know what he is doing anymore but i felt guitly cause i have not seen him in 2 weeks and i cant bare to be without him but i told him i would not go running back to him and i would let him come to me but he is being selfish enough to put us both through this.

I was currently sitting on my bed with my phone in my hands and thats all i have mainly been doing all these 2 weeks exept for when the guys came around and try to get me to talk but ive not been responding just nodding or grumbling my words out and my parents have not yet been back to see how im doing but at school i only talked when asked a question and Courtney was worried about me and Charlotte has been cming round everyday even tho she has to sudy but as she says she is worried about me. 

I decided i was going to visit Zack and i dont care if i see Kyle ill have to deal with it so as i was already dressed i put my hair into a high ponytail and i didnt put any makeup on today beacuse i would have still looked a mess with bags under my eyes so i got my phone and went out and into my car and i drove the 10minutes to Kyles house and when i got there i parked in the drive way behind Kyles car and i got out and looked my car up and just went inside and when i did it was only Zack there and Lucas has been going back to his docotors course and Brady had been trying to find his real mate.

I sat down on the sofa next to Zack and we looked at eachother and then Zack pulled a funny and i couldnt help it but laugh.

"Wheres Kyle" I asked Zack and his eyes went sad seeing his bestfriend like that beacuse of me.

"In his bedroom not eating he wont talk hes fin and i mean really fin and his wolf is begging to get out and its dying day by day as it doent have your mate with you you need to see him he only has about 2 days until his wolf dies and then evetually he will die" Zack said and i was on the verge of tears so i wiped my tears away and nooded and when i was half way up the stairs up i heard a voice in my head that was not Kyle.

Older me from dream: You need Kyle for me to be in your dreams again thats why i cant come in your dreams and help ou train but let me tell you,you will have nice kids and it will work out there maybe up and downs but you will get threw and only you can make this happen.

I froze and proccsed what i had heard and then nodded even tho i could not probly hear it or see it and made my way up the stairs and when i was outside Kyles bedroom i paused and though if it was a good idear and when i opened the door Kyle was on his bed sat up with his pillows behind his bed nd he looked weak and it made my heart qwench and i silently closed the door and i walked over to the couch near the bed and sat down and when Kyle turned his head he groaned and he had bigger bags and me and his faced and body looked so fragile and he looked so fin and you could see is ribs through hi shirt and i had silent tears running down my face.

"This is all my fault i made you like this so im sorry and i knew i said i wasnt gonnah run back to you but i need you i havent eaten or slept in days m grades are low and i need them to pul up so i can graduate but its not about that its about that i miss you so so much and im sorry and i wish i coud make it up to you just say the words and ill do it anything im just sorry and i would never cheat on you i think of Zack and the others as brothers nothing more im just s-" I was cut off from my ramble when Kyle grabbed my hands and shushed me and i felt the famailar sparks and Kyle looked like he was slowly getting his touch back just by me touhing him so i lifted the covers and got in with him and he got the strenth to put his arms around me so i was facing him and i looked up at him and grabbed his chin and pulled him down and captured his lips with mine and it lasted as long until i was breathless but it was a slow and passinoate kiss and he looked better already.

"Its ok i should have called you but i was being selfish but i should be sorry you look like crap" Kyle said an i let out a little chuckle"

"Look at your self you look worse than me but can i just go and get a drink you want one babe" I asked Kyle as i was getting up and he nodded so i went out of his room and when i got to the stairs i had a wave of nausea and i started to loose my balance and i couldnt step backwards.

"Kyle help me...-" I said before i completey fell and i heard a door slam but it want fast enough as i had fell and when i looked up i saw Kyle trying to reach for me but he was to late and i hit my head and i smelled a metllic smell and i felt my bones crack in my leg and i let out an ear piercing scream and thats when i lost conciouness.

Tashas Dream....

I was back in the forest and there was the older me and i decided i would call my older me Natasha as that is what my real name is but nobody knows that exept my girl friends and even Kyle dont know but i snapped out of it when Natasha started talking.

"Well before you ask your questions you couldnt get to me as you were seperated from Kyle so i would not be able to contact you but now your back close to him im able to get the bond back with you now we can start the questions for this time now go on i can tell you have a lot to ask me" Natash said and i thought threw ll the questions i wanted to ask and wich i should ask first.

"Ermm well how do me and Kyle end up" Natasha looked a bit upset so i started going into panic but natasha finally answered my question.

"That is a reason why you have to unleish your powers to defeat your biggest and ultimate threat but you and Kyle should be able to get threw it if you stick together but you will go threw your up and downs but you should get threw it alive...hopefully" I looked at Natasha in shock and i started to get angry and i felt some sort of unkwown power serging threw my veins as i thought about people hurting Kyle and my friends and then the forest trees started to go up in flames.

"What am i doing im angry they cant hurt him they cant"

"Tasha your time is coming to an end you have been here for a month even tho it feels like a few minutes you will see me soon for your next training session you may not have noticed but your burnt down the trees as you got angry now go back to Kyle he has only let his wolf out twice he needs all his strenght as he will get some of your powers when you mate" I started to calm down and the fire started to die down and it started to dissapear but i had questions what is mating i didnt want to go back it hurts i want to stay i want to feel safe and numb.
